Sunday, February 14, 2010

Negative Energy

UGH ... Must this day get any more frustrating? When you are around negative people that say horrible things about you do you eat your sorrows away? Sometimes I'm that type of person and I all i would eat is chocolate and ice cream. Instead of that try grabbing a fruit, it helps a lot.

I am always getting something negative from my mother and she upsets me to where all i wanna do is eat but I've been eating oranges and apples. It makes me feel better and its healthy for you. I have also found ways to incorporate exercise i walk up and down the stairs and play with my daughter.

An example of negative energy. I was running water to give my daughter a bath and my mother walks out of nowhere and is like "why are you standing there like you are expecting" Of course everyone laughed at me and that made me feel bad just a little. I just ignored it and went into my room like it was nothing and I haven't spoken to her since.

All I'm trying to say is just ignore negative people because all they will do its make you dislike yourself and that is not what you need. Also if u just get a craving to have a late night snack drink some water or juice and eat a piece of fruit it helps a lot.