Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Drama

Its been a long time since I've reported to my wonderful weight loss goal. I have always said that you should not let anything come in the way of your goals. Well i have a confession to make, I have. My mother has made a deep impact on how i see things and what goes on in my life. It gets to the point to where i want to fall into the darkness and never come out. I dislike my mother to the borderline of hate. You should never ever ever have to feel that way about your mother. She is the fakes most conniving most snakish women i have ever been around. She nit picks at everything and her main focus is to control everyone life and make it just as miserable as hers. Could it be me or something else. What should I do should I just disappear and tell no one. Me going off into sleep does not work anymore. I am constantly being awaken for nonsense that only makes since in my mothers world. It hurts to the point to where i want to cry because if I were pregnant now with all the stress that i have it could a baby.

I don't eat .. i don't really sleep .. i don't see how my father deals with it ... when i find my save haven i will go but until then welcome to my HELL

1 comment:

  1. It seems as if you need someone to blame your grief and misfortune. Capre diem is not what I read in your message for today. That is ashame but some of your dislike is directed out. Be open and less vague with your post and the peace you seek will be found. I see the other post where walking with your mom gives you joy. so what did you change to stop the joy. Do you still walk
