Sunday, February 7, 2010

Silence When I Step into a Room

How uncomfortable does it make you feel when you walk into a room and and you know someone is talking about you. You may not care. You might feel like they don't know you so it doesn't matter ... right? What if it is your parents ... how do you deal with that?

I walked onto church today, where woman have to wear a skirt or a dress, wearing pants and a nice shirt. When I looked up my mom was pointing out my flaws to my dad laughing. I felt so uncomfortable.

No one should expect that in their immediate family, if anything there should be support. That's never the case with my parents.

I am beautiful inside and out and some might confuse that with being conceded but its considered to be confident. My change and goals are for me and only me not because my weight disgust my mother.

I will always have silence when I enter a room but it will be good not bad


  1. Ugh.. I hate that. So just because i'm a big girl or fat does that make me any less of a person? People kill me. They get quiet when you walk in like you won't notice. That does nothing but make me guarded. Once I get guarded its not a good thing because then I'm firing off at everybody. The thing that gets me is, maybe someone should try to HELP you come up instead of talk about you. I know I'm an emotional eater. And when someone makes me feel less than, I start feening for sugars. I gotta cut that habit because NOBODY and I do mean NOBODY should make you feel less than what you are.*Stands up on the bed* 2010 We are taking control of our lives. People, nor weight will break us... excuse my french but I'm telling life to FUCK OFF right now because i won't let it beat me!!

  2. I'm confused if you were across the room how do you know what they were saying? Did they repeat it or are you self conscious and you are projecting your doubt. Being Plus size and healthy is a wonderful thing.
